Month: May 2019

  • Can You Afford Not To Have a Print Consultant?

    Can You Afford Not To Have a Print Consultant?

    Many businesses make common mistakes when promoting themselves by relying on online services for their print and marketing. Sure, it can be cheaper but are you satisfied with your current business growth?  What’s it costing you not to have a print consultant? Even fewer know how to utilize a print consultant.

    Here are some marketing areas that businesses often fall short and solutions that Promosuns consultants can help you with.

    Keep Your Name in Front of Your Customers through Direct Mail Marketing. Did you know that Direct Mail can increase your rate of return business by as little as 3% to 20% depending upon the strategy you use? The cost for Direct Mail Campaigns can run as little as .55 cents per post card to a lot more depending upon the size and nature of your campaign. If Direct Mail Campaigns are not part of your marketing strategy, then you’re leaving money on the table. As your print consultant, I can help you keep it simple, built the trust of your customers, provide personalization and authenticity and keep track of what works and what doesn’t.

    Helping you convey the right image of your business to help your customers utilize your services. Who are you and what is it that your company does? This is the era of image. Things can change on a dime with the wrong image and use of social media. There are no second chances with the vast amount of competition out there.  What’s your company image and how does that match up with your customers? Are your customers grasping how to fully leverage your services? This is important not matter what business you’re in. If you’re not communicating to your customers on how you can help them then you’re leaving money on the table. As your print consultant, I can show you where you can better communicate with your base to go to the next level of being a service provide to a business partner.

    Customer Loyalty Programs work. Why don’t you have one? Did you know that you can boost your customer lifetime value by 19% by implementing a customized loyalty program? What business doesn’t want repeat business and if you don’t already have an incentive program for your customers then you’re leaving out an effective way to market your business. Promosuns print consultants, can help you identify and develop a customized loyalty program that makes your business stand out.

    So, if you’re getting your print and marketing done using an online service, it might just be costing you a lot more than you realized.  Promosuns print consultants work for their customers by making their brand shine! Call or email us today for your free consultation on how to best market your business. You only pay for the printing service, but you get a whole lot more.
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